Welcome to Swansea Mind

We’re here for you!

Welcome to Swansea Mind

Swansea Mind is a mental health organisation based in the city of Swansea in South Wales, UK. We are part of Local Mind Associations in England and Wales.

Contact us on 01792 642999 or email us at [email protected]

We reach out to anyone who needs us.

Open – We reach out to anyone who needs us
Together – We’re stronger in partnership.
Responsive – We listen, we act.
Independent – We speak out fearlessly.
Unstoppable – We never give up.

If you need to talk to someone urgently about your mental health, or you’re concerned about a family member, call NHS 111 Wales and select option 2 to be placed in direct contact with a mental health professional in your area.

If you’re in need of support outside of our office hours or can’t get hold of us, please phone either of the below:

Community Advice and Listening Line Mental Health Helpline For Wales who offer a confidential listening and support service Freephone 0800 132 737 or text help to 81066

Call us any time, day or night.
Whatever you’re going through, you can call us anytime from any phone for free.
Call 116 123

Our Services

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