Supported Self-Help is a 6 week guided self-help programme that aims to help people better understand and manage their emotions. It’s a low-level form of support where over 6 weeks you’d work through a series of materials and exercises, with a short call from a practitioner each week to support you through the process.

This scheme is a practical, hands-on and goal orientated approach to support, where the aim of the sessions is to formulate a personalised toolkit of resources that are tailored to support your own individual wellbeing. 

This kind of support is recommended to individuals don’t feel like they need a high level of emotional support but would like to try some practical, evidence based strategies and tasks to help them understand and manage their emotions better. 

 Together, you’ll agree a programme of support covering any of the following topics:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Low self-esteem
  • Stress
  • Feeling alone
  • Managing anger
  • Grief and loss

If you would like to book yourself in for an appointment please fill in the sign up form below or contact our office on (01792) 642999. If you would like further information please download our Supported Self-Help leaflet here.

I have felt better after every phone chat we have had. I have also found the worksheets have helped me to deal with the anxiety I have been suffering because of my stressful situation. I have made some positive changes as best I can in my difficult circumstances as a result of the phone chats and the worksheets.


Swansea mind Supported Self-Help service was fantastic. It helped me through a difficult period in my life and cant thank them enough. 


Disclaimer. Supported Self-Help is not an emergency service and that if I feel that I need urgent help I can call the Samaritans on 116 123, visit my GP or local A&E department / Rydw i’n deall nad yw Monitro Gweithredol yn wasanaeth argyfwng, ac os rydw i’n teimlo fel rydw i angen help ar frys, rydw i’n gallu galw’r Samariaid ar 116 123, ymweld â fy meddyg teulu neu fynd i fy adran Damweiniau ac Achosion Brys lleol. *